Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Rise of the CMO

If today's economic environment has taught students one thing, it's that we need to diversify our skills before we enter the workforce. The light at the end of the "go to school→learn finance→work at a bank→get rich" tunnel has become dim. However, in the midst of the recession, one position, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO for short) has solidified its importance in corporate America. These complex times has made it increasingly important for companies to understand their consumer base. As such, CEOs have turned to their CMOs for guidance on key issues including shifting consumer behavior and price positioning relative to competitors. An article title "Why CMOs Are Gaining Ground in the Recession" provides great insight concerning this trend. But the main point I wanted to emphasize is the importance of considering other careers. Many people enter finance because they have a thirst for relevance, but its possible, perhaps even necessary to quench your thirst elsewhere.

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