Monday, June 1, 2009

Recessions: A time for Entrepreneurship

Recessions are often considered to be "the worst of times," however, for some people recessions often present attractive opportunities. For example, lower stock prices enabled me to start investing in the market. Regardless of such opportunities, recessions tend to negatively consume a society, often times providing its members with a strong reality check. However, during recessions, society needs its dreamers, innovators and entrepreneurs more than ever. Innovation is often the vehicle that drives a country out of a recession. Although recessions may have a dearth of financial capital, they are full of human capital which is equally if not more important. As people are laid off during recessions they begin to search for new opportunities, thus making it easier for those starting a business to find the people with the talent and skills that they need. An article titled "6 companies born during downturns" details six major companies that were started during recessions or recession-like periods. These companies are just a small example of the many successful businesses that have been created during harsh economic times. Such successes demonstrate that entrepreneurship is not only a viable option during recessions, but may even be a preferable one. I offer the following suggestion for fellow students: free your inner entrepreneur. The recession may offer increased access to the support you need to start your dream business. For those who aren't students and are looking for opportunities, consider joining a start up company. You never know when you're becoming a part of the next Proctor and Gamble or IBM.

...And I'm Back

After entirely too long of a hiatus, I've made my return to the blogosphere. For those of you who keep up with my blogs: I apologize for the long time in between posts. Intensely studying for finals lead to an overwhelming need for a break from most activities that require some sort of analytical thinking. But now I'm back, mentally well-rested and eager to blog. Stay tuned for upcoming posts.